My practice now is less about performing difficult or flashy asana (what I call “circus tricks”) and more about learning to truly inhabit my body. It’s about refining my intentions and personal integrity. Can I be ever more present and aware of how I live on this planet, how I give and receive love, how I support and contribute to others. These aspirations sound so sweet and wonderful but the reality is, it’s hard work and I’m not that good at it. It’s much harder than the years of work it took to be able to stand on my hands and bring my feet to my head. That was a very cool process yet those efforts didn’t necessarily make me a better person. It didn’t bring enduring peace to my soul or compassion to my thoughts and actions. My asana practice acted as a needed refuge from life’s unpredictable complexities.

With the sanctuary of asana well established, what most interests me now is how I navigate the remaining 22 hours of my day. Awash with opportunities to connect, to grow, to let go, the time off my mat is where I must truly cultivate balance, stability, flexibility, openness and determination.Those remaining 22 hours off my mat is where I must meet the world with eyes open; open to my doubts, my fears, my small-mindedness, my judgments. It’s where I practice unflinching love, commitment and understanding even when it would be easier to shut down, close off and withdraw.

It’s the hardest work I’ve ever committed to and I awkwardly embrace it every day to the best of my ability.
Here’s an old circus demo (and yes they are still fun sometimes)